Monthly deliveries of Farm One Forty pork, lamb and beef and Peregrine Farm chicken!
Why signing up makes you a smarty pants:
-Get the bulk discount, and save $!
-Short on freezer space? Get only what you have room for each month.
-Get to know the people that grow your food! We love knowing our customers, and this is a chance to visit us, ask questions and learn about the farm at each pick up.
-Feel good knowing that your food choices are environmentally friendly, animal humane and healthy for you and your family!
All orders must be pre-paid with PayPal below or with an email money transfer sent to info@farmoneforty.ca. If you’d like to set up monthly credit card billing contact us and we will get that going. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me! – Arlie (306-381-8931)