
Meat Subscription Form

One of the perks of being a CrossFit member!

Having local, pasture raised meat and eggs available right here! Help yourself to the items in the fridge and freezer and fill out this form to process the order. We will swap out products from time to time based on what is most popular so check back often! Note our website shop page has many other items for sale and you are welcome to order from there and pick your order up or have it delivered but this form is for the items in the fridge and freezer at CrossFit Brio.

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Farm One Forty Grass-fed Beef

Our beef is 100% grass fed and finished. We practice holistically managed grazing with our cows and sheep. This gives them a natural life that supports their health and the health of the land. The beef has less total and saturated fat but more vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and health promoting fats like omega 3’s and CLA.

Farm One Forty Pasture Raised Pork

Our pigs live outdoors year round in a 6 acre pasture so they always get lots of fresh air, exercise and room to run around, root and wallow. In addition to foraging grasses, legumes and roots out in the pasture we supplement their diet with a grain mix we grow and mill on farm as well as plenty of fruit and vegetable scraps from our gardens.

Free Range Eggs

We have a small flock of heritage breed laying hens which means each carton of eggs is unique (all different sizes and colours of eggs)!

Order Total

Once you submit your order you will receive an email confirmation. Let us know if you have any questions about your order by emailing You can pay below via PayPal or by sending an email money transfer to