Greek Lamb-Feta Burgers

Greek Lamb-Feta Burgers
October 18, 2021 Arlie Laroche
Lamb burger

These grilled lamb burgers are served with slices of ripe tomatoes and red onion and a fresh tzatziki sauce.  They work just as well grilled on the BBQ or cooked in a cast iron pan. Give them a try they are to die for!


2 large cloves minced garlic
1 lb ground lamb
1⁄2 cup crumbled feta
1 tsp dried oregano
1⁄2 tsp each salt & pepper 1 tbsp lemon juice


1⁄2 large cucumber, peeled, grated and squeezed dry in a clean towel
3⁄4 c sour cream or plain yogurt
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1 clove minced garlic
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint

Serve with

4 thin red onion slices
4 thin tomato slices
4 small pita breads or buns or iceberg lettuce


In a medium bowl combine lamb, garlic, feta, oregano, lemon juice salt and pepper; mix with your hands (to avoid burgers getting tough, don’t overmix).  Form into 4 equal sized patties and set aside.
Mix cucumber, sour cream, mint, vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Refrigerate sauce until ready to serve.

Bring your grill to high heat and turn burgers on to cook, turning only once, until done (about 4 to 5 minutes per side for medium to medium-well burgers). Allow a few minutes for burgers to rest before serving. If you are using pitas give them a quick grill until spotty brown and warm (a minute or so per side). You can also use regular burger buns or iceberg lettuce leaves for a keto friendly version. Top each burger with tzatziki, an onion slice and a tomato slice. Take a pic and post it on Instagram!

You can purchase our grass-fed ground lamb here.

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